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How Long an HVAC Replacement Really Takes

Your old air conditioner’s time has come. Now it needs to be replaced so you don’t swelter in summer, but the idea of the replacement appointment is making your head spin. Questions spin around, like do you need to replace all the ductwork? Are the installers going to find more problems when they pull the old unit out?

When you replace HVAC in Sussex County, DE, there’s a few things that you have to consider before it all starts. Let’s talk about those and how they affect the timeline of your project.

The Pre-Installation Appointment

Even if you’re replacing a central AC with another unit of the exact same type and capacity, you still need a pre-installation appointment. During this time, your technician will inspect the ductwork, fittings, and electrical hookups that your current AC is using.

From there, they can determine what still works, what needs to be replaced, and make plans accordingly. This also affects the cost projection, so it’s important information to know early on.

While it’s not what any homeowner wants to hear, these pre-installation appointments also exist to locate problems that your technician may run into during installation. If an expensive issue pops up, it’s important to know how it changes the timeline, and how it affects your costs.

Consider What System You’re Replacing

Whether it’s a central AC system or a furnace, what HVAC unit are you replacing? Installation times vary, even if you already have existing ductwork for a new AC. That’s because it’s not uncommon to encounter issues with existing ductwork, especially if you don’t get routine sealing and testing services.

If you’re replacing a central AC system with a heat pump, the changes are minimal. But if you’re replacing it with multiple ductless units, it changes the scope of the project completely. The type of system you’re switching or upgrading to will change everything about the project.

Technician Experience Doesn’t Equate to Faster Installation

It would be nice to think that experience immediately means a job will be done faster, but the real benefit is that it’s done properly. That you can trust and believe in the work, because it’s being carried out by a professional who’s seen just about everything there is to see during HVAC replacement.

Have the expectation that when you work with professionals like us, the job will be done properly, but it doesn’t mean it will be lightning fast. We double-check our work to ensure it, and we’re more concerned with that.

So, How Long Does it Take?

It can take a single day to install your new HVAC unit, or it could take up to a week—it all depends on your current setup, what needs to be upgraded, changed, and what type of HVAC unit you’re switching to. The best-case scenario is a simple unit replacement. However, you should anticipate some other bumps in the road especially if you’re replacing a very old unit.

Contact Atlantic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Inc. today to schedule your HVAC replacement as soon as possible.

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