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Ways to Bring Down Your Business’ Air Conditioning Costs

When you are a business owner, air conditioning is not a luxury: it is a necessity. It is also a business cost, and one that can be a sizable part of your overall monthly budget. It may seem difficult to bring down the cost of your commercial air conditioning in Georgetown, but, just as you can take steps in your home to reduce energy usage, you can also do the same for your business. Here are some suggestions from Atlantic Refrigeration on ways you can bring down your business’ air conditioning costs:

  • Schedule regular maintenance – if you have your own air conditioning unit for your business space, keep your AC in optimal shape by scheduling bi-annual maintenance during the spring and fall each year. Maintenance keeps your air conditioner efficient, which saves you money.
  • Don’t ignore problems – hearing something strange, smelling something off, or feeling a decrease in air flow? Whether your business has its own air conditioner or   is part of a larger building system, don’t ignore signs of potential problems.
  • Use programmable thermostats – thermostats are the instruments that cue your system to cycle. Using a programmable thermostat can save you upwards of 15% per year on energy costs because you can tailor temperature settings to specific times of day. This can be especially helpful during non-business hours.
  • Check on the state of ductwork – most business space is rented or leased. If yours is, check with the building management about the ductwork. Examples of questions to ask are the age of the ductwork, when does it get cleaned, it is insulated, and how often is it inspected for problems. Faulty ductwork can account for up to 30% of air loss in a system, a loss you’ll pay for in monthly energy bills.

Questions About Commercial Services? Call Us!

Atlantic Refrigeration has helped many businesses with commercial air conditioning needs.

Whether you need repair, replacement, installation or advice on a new system, call Atlantic Refrigeration for all your commercial air conditioning needs.

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