Atlantic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

How’s Your Boiler Doing? 4 Classic Signs You Need Repair

Monday, April 1st, 2019

boiler-repairsWith the end of winter, we’re seeing temperatures start to improve around here. However, it’s far too soon to be saying that we don’t need our heaters! We’ll be running them for just a bit longer, especially during the night.

But as you do, please keep your boiler in mind. It has been running since the beginning of the season. If there are any dormant repair issues in your boiler, they’ll most likely start showing up after all of this continued use.

Four signs that your boiler needs some early maintenance include:

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Should You End Winter With a Furnace Replacement?

Monday, March 18th, 2019

old-furnaceSpring is here, and temperatures will soon be on the rise. If your furnace is starting to give out, you have plenty of time to research your options and think about the features and efficiency ratings of your new furnace or heating system…

Wait, hold on a second, we’re getting way ahead of ourselves. How do you know that you even need to have your furnace replaced? Even if your furnace is older than its predicted life expectancy, it doesn’t necessarily mean it needs replacement.

With winter coming to a close, here are some questions you should have in mind to determine if it’s time to replace your aging furnace:

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Here’s What You Need to Know About In-Floor Heating

Monday, February 4th, 2019

infloor-heatingWhen it comes to heating your home, many people would go with a gas furnace. Why? Simply because it’s popular, easy to install, and it gets the job done.

However, some homeowners are looking for a different kind of heating system in Delaware. And in-floor radiant systems are about as different as you can get from a gas furnace!

If you’re looking for something other than the standard furnace, then keep reading and discover why in-floor heating systems might be right for you.

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3 Unexpected Causes of Heating Issues

Monday, January 7th, 2019

blue-question-markHave you ever tried to fix the cause of one problem, only to realize that the problem was due to something else entirely? Sometimes it happens to homeowners with their home heating. In particular, here are three unexpected causes of common heating issues:

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Bad Furnace Noises and What They Mean

Monday, December 24th, 2018

woman-covering-ears-from-loud-furnace-noisesHowling, booming, rattling, whistling…

Halloween has long since passed, so why does it sound like your furnace is haunted?

For a furnace repair expert, a furnace making strange noises isn’t the most unusual thing in the world… For the average homeowner, however, this could be quite alarming to them. Below, we’ll explain why your furnace might be making noises and what you need to do about it.

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HVAC Services You Don’t Want to Pass On This Winter

Monday, December 10th, 2018

three-checklistA question commonly asked of us is:

“When’s the best time to have a particular HVAC service performed?”

Since we’re just about to hit winter here in Delaware, we’ll approach that question by mentioning three services you should have done at this time of year.

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Common Furnace Issues You Don’t Want to Ignore

Monday, November 26th, 2018

turtle-neck-man-experiences-furnace-issuesIt begins with a sudden spike in your heating bill. Or maybe you’ve noticed some strange behavior, such as odd noises or strange operation. These are just a few of the ways that your furnace might begin showing a need for repairs. But, the sooner you spot these issues, the sooner you can get them fixed—before they turn into a full-on emergency.

We’ll keep you on top of it with a list of some common heating repair problems. If you notice any of them, don’t hesitate to call a heating repair expert in Delaware, DE to get a professional opinion. The sooner you have these problems taken care of, the better.

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All About Boilers

Monday, October 15th, 2018

boiler-gaugeBoilers are definitely one of the best kinds of heating systems out there, but we sometimes find that people stick with forced-air systems simply because they’ve never tried a boiler. It makes sense, because these forced-air systems are cheaper to install, and they get the job done pretty well. However, boilers in Delaware do have plenty of benefits to them that aren’t apparent. In this post, we’ll go over the basics of all things boilers.

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Fall is Around the Corner: Time for a Furnace Check-Up

Monday, September 17th, 2018

technician-giving-furnace-maintenance-tune-upAccording to the calendar, fall will be arriving soon. Whether or not this is actually the case is an entirely different matter; summer seems to be working on its own schedule in the last few years. Regardless, about now is the perfect time to have your furnace looked at.

Why now? For one, any problems with your furnace can be fixed at your own leisure. You won’t have to be stuck in the cold waiting for an HVAC repair crew (who will be busy doing repairs for others). Second, if there are any serious issues, you’ll have plenty of time to budget or set aside money for the costs.

As for the other benefits, they include:

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3 Home Efficiency Upgrades for the Coming Cold Season

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

technician-working-on-radiatorIt’s only August, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be a little early to get you thinking about the cold season. After all, some stores are already putting out Halloween supplies!

We want to give you plenty of time to think about three different kinds of upgrades or modifications you could make to your existing HVAC and plumbing system. Under the right conditions, they could be perfect for saving you big through the fall and winter.

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