Atlantic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

3 Advantages of Heating Maintenance

Monday, November 9th, 2015

Fall has arrived in Dover, DE and that means winter will be on its way soon. Your heating system will be called upon to perform at its peak each and every day, and even if there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with it, now is the time to schedule a service session from a trained technician. The benefits to a heating maintenance session performed now, before the snows begin falling in earnest. Some homeowners may question the benefits of paying for heating maintenance if there’s nothing wrong with the heater, but in fact, it can provide a number of tangible benefits. Here are 3 of them listed below.

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When Should I Call an Emergency Service?

Monday, November 2nd, 2015

Quality HVAC companies know that repairs don’t always fall during normal working hours, and given the hot summer and cold winters here in Dover, DE, a qualified technician needs to be on call 24/7. That’s invaluable when you have an emergency to deal with… but how can you tell when that moment arrives? What qualifies as an emergency service, and what can wait until normal operating hours (and a lower expense)? Only you can answer that question for sure, but here’s a few suggestions to help guide you in the right direction.

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Common Signs of Heater Trouble

Monday, October 26th, 2015

With the cool days of fall here in Dover, DE, you’ve likely had an opportunity to run your heater and keep your household comfortable in the face of falling temperatures. You may also have noticed signs that something is amiss, which may require a repair technician to take a look. If your heater is experiencing problems, then now is the time to treat them, before the snows of winter start to fall and you need your system to function without trouble every day. By spotting common signs of heater trouble – even those that don’t shut down your heater – you can get a jump on any trouble and head it off before it results in a complete breakdown.

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What are the Benefits of a Radiant Heating System?

Monday, October 19th, 2015

If you’re looking at replacing the heating system in your home, then now is an excellent time to do it. Fall has arrived, and with our chilly Dover, DE winters just a few short weeks away, you’ll want to equip your home with the best system you can to combat those low temperatures. And if more traditional forms of heating aren’t quite what you need, you might want to consider an alternative, specifically a radiant heating system. It involves placing tubes of coils beneath the floorboards in your home, then pumping heated liquid through them to warm your room directly through your feet of the furnishings. It sounds wild, but it actually provides a number of tangible benefits.

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Benefits of a New Thermostat

Monday, October 12th, 2015

With fall here in Dover, DE and winter on its way before too long, now is the time to install a new thermostat. Thermostats can last for many years, and we often have some homes with units that are decades old. Functionality is less of a concern than the updates available with new thermostats. And like any other form of technology, thermostats have undergone some amazing upgrades in the last few years. If you haven’t seen the benefits of a new one, especially if your existing one is a decade old or longer, now is a good time to consider an upgrade for this winter.

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3 Things to Look for in a New Heater

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Summer is over and with the turning of the leaves here in Dover, DE comes the need to fire up your heater for another season. If yours is old and ready to be replaced then now is an excellent time to plan for it, before the temperatures drop too far and you need your heater to function every day. A qualified service technician can help you plan for a new heater, then install it once you’ve made your decision. As you begin planning, here’s a short list of 3 things to look for in a new heater.

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Should I Upgrade My Heater?

Monday, September 14th, 2015

We’re coming to the end of air conditioning season here in Dover, DE, and while we still have a few more weeks of warm weather in front of us, winter will be here before you know it. Now may be a great time to upgrade your heating system with a new one before the snows start to fall. That way, you won’t have to suffer through another season with an old one that isn’t doing the job. But how can you tell if you need to upgrade your heater?  What’s the difference between a system that can keep going and one that needs replacement? The answers vary according to your unique circumstances, but here’s a few handy guidelines to help you out.

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Now is the Time to Prepare for Heating Season

Monday, July 20th, 2015

Here in Dover, DE, heating is the last thing on most people’s minds. Temperatures are soaring in the middle of summer, and our patented Atlantic humidity is hitting us hard right on schedule. Homeowners are concentrating on their air conditioners, as well as they should, and keeping yours reliably running is the top priority. But now is also the time to look ahead to heating season, which will be here before you know it. You have time to get ready for it by scheduling a maintenance session from a trained technician, and/or treating any lingering repair issues that may be present. The reasons why are self-apparent, but can easily be missed amid the heat waves and need for cooling rather than heating.

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Signs That a Commercial Boiler Needs Repair

Thursday, January 15th, 2015

As a business owner, you know how important it is that your workspace be adequately heated throughout the winter. Having an uncomfortable indoor atmosphere can impact your business significantly, so it’s always best to be ahead of repairs instead of waiting for a total breakdown of your heating system before addressing problems with your commercial heating system. However, it can be a challenge to pick up on the signals from such a large heating system, so to help you decipher some of the signs that indicate it’s time for commercial heating repair in Dover, DE, our Atlantic Refrigeration commercial heating experts have put together a list of signs of which to be aware:


Boilers are part of hydronic heating systems, which means they use water to heat your business space. Even though water is part of the system, leaks are not a normal part of operation and need to be attended to right away. Leaks aren’t always readily apparent, so if you see wet spots on your ceiling, hear a dripping noise or have noticed that a radiator or baseboard isn’t working but there’s water around it, it’s important to call for an expert right away.

No Heat/Low Heat

An office space that is too cool can’t operate correctly. There can be multiple reasons for poor heating, including issues with the burner, air lock in the piping system or the off chance that your boiler has run out of fuel. As soon as you detect that your commercial boiler is not heating as needed, it’s time to call for a specialist.

Strange Noises

One of the benefits of a boiler system is that it is a very quiet system to operate. Therefore, if you are hearing strange sounds coming from your heating system, such as pipes banging, a technician should take a look at your system.

A poor heating system can affect your employees, your customers and ultimately, your business.

If you are seeing the signs that you need commercial heating repair in Dover, DE, don’t ignore it – call Atlantic Refrigeration and schedule an appointment with one of our experts.

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3 Common Furnace Repairs

Monday, January 5th, 2015

Whenever you have an issue with your heating system, no matter what kind it is, you should rely on a professional to fix it for you. Using professional heating repair ensures that your heating system is fixed safely and effectively. However, that doesn’t mean that you should remain ignorant of the process. Knowledge is power, and knowing more about your heating system could help you take better care of it. With that in mind, let’s take a look at 3 common furnace repairs.

Broken Pilot Light

There are a few different kinds of pilot lights these days, but the most common is still the standing pilot light. This is a small flame that burns underneath your furnace 24/7. This flame is responsible for lighting the burners to start the furnace when the thermostat commands heat. Unfortunately, pilot lights are notorious for going out on a semi-regular basis. Normally, this is simply due to a gust of air, and the pilot light is easily relit. Occasionally, however, the pilot light refuses to light in the first place. This is often caused by a faulty thermocouple, which is the heat sensor that determines when to supply fuel to the pilot light. Replacing the thermocouple tends to fix the problem.

Clogged Air Filter

The air filter is a fiber-mesh woven over a frame and installed in the air return of your furnace. It is responsible for capturing all the dust and debris commonly found in a home’s ductwork before it can enter the furnace and cause problems. If the filter is not changed every 1-3 months, however, it can become so clogged with debris that it restricts air flow to the furnace. This causes the furnace to overheat, causing damage and creating fire risk.

Broken Air Handler

The air handler is the part of the furnace responsible for circulating warm air throughout the house. It is mainly comprised of a motor, fan, and fan belt. Any one of these parts is capable of failing, with the most common being the motor and fan belt. If you hear grinding or squealing noises coming from your furnace, it is likely a problem with the motor or fan belt, respectively. Call a professional as soon as possible.

If you’re having furnace problems, call Atlantic Refrigeration. We provide heating repair services throughout Lewes, DE.

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