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4 Signs That Your Heat Pump Needs Repair

There are four common signs that can point to problems happening inside of your heat pump. Although the signs are a great way to identify that something is wrong inside of your unit, the signs may not pinpoint the exact issue. Instead of trying to come up with a DIY solution or figure out the problem yourself, we encourage you to give our team a call and schedule an appointment for heat pump repair in Sussex County, DE.

You can keep reading to learn more about the four common signs that can indicate trouble inside of your heat pump. Noticing any of these signs means that you need to schedule service sooner rather than later so you can address issues before they cause your heat pump to break down completely.

Lack of Cool Air

If your heat pump has a lack of cool air, there could be a couple of different things contributing to the problem. A lack of airflow into or out of the system can often lead to a lack of cooling ability. First, check the air filter located behind the intake grate attached to your heat pump. 

If the filter is dirty, change it out for a new one and see if that makes a difference in how well your heat pump is cooling your home. You can also check the outdoor unit to see if it is particularly dirty. If it is, rinse it off and see if that helps. Sometimes heat can get trapped inside of your home instead of blowing out and ultimately lead to air inside being more lukewarm instead of cool.

Bad Odors

Your heat pump should never smell bad for any reason. The air coming from vents should always be neutral without a distinctly good or bad smell. Of course, you do want to keep in mind that any odors in your home can enter the system and disperse around the various rooms where air vents are located. 

If you notice unusual odors, consider the alternate sources where they might originate. However, if your heat pump ever smells like it is burning or produces a damp or chemical odor, those smells can be problematic. A damp smell can point to mold growth inside of your heat pump while a chemical odor means that you may have a refrigerant leak.

Water or Refrigerant Leaks

Noticing any kind of liquid leaking out of the system should also be considered a red flag. Liquid leaking out is either water or refrigerant, and both are problematic. Refrigerant is an issue since it is a chemical that poses risks to your home and family when it is not secured in the airtight lines. Refrigerant leaks need to be handled by a professional HVAC technician.

Water leaks can point to clogs in the condensate drain line. If water is leaking out of the condensate drain line, the clog is probably bad enough that it needs to be addressed by a member of our team. After fixing a clog, you can prevent them from happening again in the future by rinsing the lines with vinegar each month to prevent mold buildup and rinse dust out of the lines.

High Energy Bills

If you’re spending more and more on your monthly energy bills, you may be wondering what the reason is. Although there are a variety of things in your home consuming energy, your heat pump is arguably one of the largest. Because of this, any spikes in energy use can easily be attributed to your heat pump. 

This is especially true if you have not adjusted your thermostat settings or made other major changes to energy use around your home. It’s a good idea to have your heat pump checked out just to be safe. If it is the cause of rising energy bills, that means that something inside of the unit is going wrong and needs to be addressed.

At Atlantic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Inc., “We Take Pride in Your Comfort!” Call us for all your air conditioning needs in Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

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