Considering how cold it gets here in the winter, taking the proper steps to maintain your home heating in Delaware is a vital fall job. And the most important part of maintenance is arranging for HVAC professionals to give your heater a thorough inspection and tune-up. This professional heating maintenance is the best thing you can have done for your home comfort, both for the immediate and long-term future.
At Atlantic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Inc., we have a Maintenance Agreement Club to make this job easy for you. When you sign up, you’ll enjoy special membership perks along with the general benefits of keeping up with fall maintenance. To help convince you, we’ve listed the top six reasons to have heating maintenance scheduled this month.
ONE: Get ahead of the rush
As colder weather closes in, more homeowners will realize they need to have their heating systems maintained. That’s good news because it’s better to remember to have the work done than to skip it. But this means that the closer we get to winter, the more crowded HVAC technicians’ schedules will become. If you act on maintenance this month, you’ll have an easier time finding a convenient appointment.
TWO: Get ahead of the weather
Fall can throw odd weather surprises our way, such as sudden returns to summer heat or cold weather striking early. You don’t want to get caught in an early cold snap with a heating system that isn’t ready for it. The sooner you have heating maintenance scheduled, the lower the chance of suffering from a cold-weather shock with an unprepared heater.
THREE: Safety
Heating maintenance has many benefits, but the most important is that it helps keep a heater running safely. The majority of home heating systems in Delaware and Maryland are gas-powered furnaces, and these heaters require annual attention to ensure they don’t have hazardous malfunctions like gas leaks or cracked heat exchangers. If a safe heater was the only benefit of fall maintenance, it would make maintenance worth it.
FOUR: Stop emergency breakdowns and malfunctions
One of the main jobs of maintenance—on any device—is to prevent repair problems and unexpected failures. You don’t want to go into another long winter with a heating system at a higher risk of breaking down, and maintenance in fall is the best way to ensure your heater is robust and will get through the season without trouble. Did you know that maintenance prevents the majority of repairs a heater may need during its service life? That’s an enormous benefit, both for your comfort and bank account.
FIVE: Prevent energy waste
A well-maintained heater runs at higher efficiency. Without fall maintenance, you may start off the winter with a heater that drains more power than it should and forces up your utility bills.
SIX: Keep the warranty valid
Most manufacturers’ warranties on HVAC equipment require the equipment to receive routine professional maintenance or else the warranty is invalid. To make sure you have this vital consumer protection in place when the winter starts, get professionals maintenance done as soon as you can.
At Atlantic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Inc. “We take pride in your comfort!” Call us today to sign up for our Maintenance Agreement Club and schedule your heating tune-up.