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What Is a UV Air Purifier?

The air filter in your HVAC system probably does a good job of eliminating a large percentage of the most common particles found in homes and businesses. However, it may not be so effective at filtering out a number of the most dangerous pollutants, which are often too small for the common filter. This includes living microorganisms such as mold spores, bacteria, and viruses. A UV air purifier provides additional protection against such biological pollutants in order to prevent illness and ease allergies.

How Does It Work?

A UV air purifier is not at all like a traditional HVAC filter. This system is usually installed in the ducts or in the indoor air handler of your air conditioning and heating system. This is because microorganisms often thrive on moist surfaces, and the condenser coil of your air conditioner collects moisture. UV light is capable of sterilizing and killing small living organisms so that they are no longer dangerous to inhale, and as soon as they move past the light, they are no longer a threat to you. But don’t worry, if it is installed correctly, the UV lights from your UV air purifier will not come into contact with the people in your business or household, and besides, the small amount of UV light would not do any harm to humans anyway.

Who Needs One?

For residential use, UV air purifiers are strongly recommended for homes in which household members suffer from severe allergies or asthma, another respiratory issue, or an immune system disorder. Air purifiers are often used on commercial properties, and particularly in areas like hospitals or research laboratories, where an intrusion from microbiological contaminants could be very problematic or deadly. However, it’s worth it to install this indoor air quality system in any commercial or industrial building to keep employees and clientele happy. UV air purifiers are capable of eliminating odors as well, such as those from cooking, cleaning, or pets—another good reason to consider this system in any home or business.

Atlantic Refrigeration offers professional UV air purifier installation or service for homes and commercial or industrial properties in Dover, DE.

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