An Air Purifier Is a Big Health Help in the Fall

September 27th, 2021

Today, there’s a growing concern related to air pollution both outside and inside. According to information from the EPA, indoor air is often five times more polluted than outdoor air. The main reason for this is because indoor air isn’t circulated like the outside air, which allows airborne pollutants to thrive indoors. 

Investing in an air purifier Smyrna can help refresh stale air and reduce the potential of health problems related to indoor pollutants, which can aggravate asthma symptoms, cause neurological problems, and trigger respiratory infections. Also, now that children are back in school, more and more germs and particles are coming into your home each day. With a quality air purifier, it is possible to eliminate many types of indoor air pollutants and keep your entire family healthy. 

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A Dying AC in September … Should You Have It Replaced Now?

September 13th, 2021

A central air conditioning system that starts to fail in September. That’s almost the textbook definition of a problem you can “put off.” Or one you think you can put off.

But procrastination is rarely a virtue, and in this case, delaying doing something about an AC that’s on the way out can create serious problems. When it comes to your home comfort, it’s always best to act fast, whether you need an air conditioning repair in Dover or it’s time to have the full system replaced. 

We’ll go into more detail about why rapid response AC replacement is always best, no matter the month.

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3 Alternatives to a Standard Central Air Conditioning System for Your House

August 16th, 2021

You’re interested in installing new air conditioning in Middletown, DE for your home, but you wonder if you have better options than the conventional central AC you’ve used for many years. The answer is “yes,” although determining if any of these alternatives is the right one for your home is something you’ll want to consult HVAC experts on. 

Below we’ve listed the three most common alternatives to the typical central AC system, i.e. a split system with an outdoor condenser and indoor evaporator and blower connected to ductwork. Each alternative has benefits and drawbacks, and our technicians can help you navigate to the best option.

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Do I Need Professionals for Every AC Repair?

August 2nd, 2021

We think a better way to phrase this question is “Do I need professionals to solve every AC problem?” Because when it comes to what we would call a “repair” for an air conditioner, the answer to “Do I need professionals” is a straightforward “yes.” Any work that involves opening up part of the air conditioning system and using tools to fix troubles must be left to licensed and experienced pros. Attempting any of this work on your own, with nothing but store-bought tools and an online tutorial video, will likely make whatever is wrong far worse, create additional problems, and void the equipment warranty.

However, there is a difference between repairs and troubleshooting. Some air conditioning problems don’t require full repairs but only basic adjustments that you can do on your own. They don’t require tools or expertise or any tinkering around inside either indoor or outdoor components. We’ll go over some of what you can do to solve AC troubles before you call us for professional air conditioning repair in Delaware.

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Questions to Ask Yourself If You Plan to Get a New AC

July 19th, 2021

As the summer keeps making things hotter here in Maryland, you and your family will need to rely a lot on your air conditioning system to stay cool and safe from the boiling hot temperatures. Ensuring that you have an air conditioner that can do its job well is critical for your comfort and that of your family. Unfortunately, there comes a time when your trusty air conditioner has had too much, and you have to consider replacing it.

Is your air conditioner showing you some troubling signs? You might be wondering whether you could make do by scheduling repairs again or if it is the right time to invest in a replacement. Knowing when to replace your old air conditioner and scheduling services for air conditioning installation in Maryland on time can be crucial in making a timely decision.

We understand it’s not an easy decision to invest in a new air conditioner. We will help you make an informed decision by listing some questions you should ask yourself before getting a new AC.

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Here’s How Much Cooling You Can Get From Your AC

July 5th, 2021

Have you ever wondered how cold you could make your house using the AC? The thermostat has a lowest setting of 60°F (sometimes 65°F), but if it weren’t for that, is it possible for the air conditioner to put out enough cool air to get your house down to something like the inside of a refrigerator?

You can probably already guess the answer is no. You wouldn’t want it that cold, and the air conditioner must have some limit at which it couldn’t get the house any cooler. But what is that limit? 

We’re going to explain the cooling limitations of your air conditioning in Smyrna in this post. It’s more than trivia: it can help you with setting the best temperature on the thermostat during hotter days to help your AC run with few problems.

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Paying Too Much for Cooling? Your Ductwork May Be the Culprit!

June 21st, 2021

During the first stretch of warm weather for the season, we recommend you pay close attention to your electrical bills. You can anticipate paying more when the air conditioning system begins to run regularly because the AC’s compressor draws on more electricity than almost any other appliance in the home. However, you can expect the electric bills to be close to what you were paying this time last year (unless there are special circumstances). If you notice that the cost has made a significant increase this year, it’s often a warning you need air conditioning repair in Middletown.

But not all spikes in the cost to run the AC come from the air conditioner itself. There may be other troubles in the HVAC system. One of the most common sources of a rise in the costs to cool a house is trouble with the ducts.

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Reasons Your AC Keeps Shutting Down Randomly

June 7th, 2021

Have you noticed that your AC shuts down randomly? Don’t worry! The explanation for this is not paranormal. Rather, it’s a phenomenon referred to as short-cycling. It may not be ghosts, but it’s definitely just as scary.

We say this because there’s nothing scarier than the thought of losing money. Short-cycling damages your AC system, burdening it with wear and tear that it is not designed to withstand. This creates a double blow for you. 

First, the wear and tear reduce the lifespan of the unit, requiring more repairs than it ordinarily would. Secondly, the additional load on the system makes it inefficient, which increases your energy bills! We’re sure you want to prevent either of these from happening, so reach out to Atlantic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Inc. We offer great air conditioning repair in Delaware.

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How Much Electricity Does It Take to Run My AC?

May 24th, 2021

A question homeowners often have about their central air conditioning systems is: “How much does it cost me to run my AC during the summer?” It’s a good question: people are curious about what they can expect to pay through the season, as well as how they may lower those costs.

There’s a problem with providing an answer, however, and that’s because too many factors are involved to allow us to provide any sort of answer in cold, hard dollars and cents. For one thing, the cost of electricity changes, and a house in Delaware may pay a different amount for similar AC usage compared to a house in Maryland. There are also different types of ACs with different efficiencies, and some homes are more difficult to cool than others because they have less insulation, more people in them, etc. 

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Do I Need to Replace My Water Heater If It’s Rusting?

May 10th, 2021

“Rust” and “water heater” aren’t words you want to see together. In general, you don’t want rust or other forms of corrosion to appear on any metal, since it weakens it. Metal in contact with water is in danger of corrosion, provided it’s also exposed to oxygen. Because rust cannot be reversed, only removed, once it starts, conventional wisdom about rust and water heaters is that once there’s corrosion starting, a water heater is finished. Time for a new one.

Is this always the case? If you see rust on your water heater, does it mean it’s time to call us to replace it? Let’s take a closer look at corrosion and water heaters.

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