Atlantic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Beware of Ice on your AC Coils

Monday, August 21st, 2017

frozen-ac-coilsThe sight of ice or frost on the coils of your air conditioner may not initially be cause for alarm. Isn’t the system supposed to be cool? In point of fact, however, ice on the coils is a sign of a significant problem, which requires the services of a professional to correct. How did it get there and what kinds of problems can it cause? Read on for the answers.

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Install a Dehumidifier to Fight Muggy Air

Monday, August 7th, 2017


Delaware summers mean high temperatures and lots of rain, and this summer is new exception. Most homeowners focus quite rightfully on air conditioning in such circumstances, and a good AC is likely the most important part of your home in the summer. But air conditioners are built to deal with heat, not humidity, and while they can cut down on the mugginess in your home, it’s often more of a side effect than an intended action.

Whole-house dehumidifiers, on the other hand, can remove excess moisture in your home the right way, as well as providing a number of other advantages. Here’s a quick breakdown on how they work and what they can bring to your home.

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Is a Geothermal HVAC System a Good Fit?

Monday, July 24th, 2017

geothermal-hvac-systemsWith summer here and the need for a new air conditioner all the more prevalent than ever, this is a good time to discuss alternative options. Most of us are accustomed to traditional centralized models, but they’re not the only models out there, and depending upon the circumstances, you might do better exploring one of them. If your old air conditioner needs to be put out to pasture, the new one doesn’t need to be exactly like the old one.

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When Does Your AC Require Replacement?

Monday, June 26th, 2017

air-conditioning-repairSummer is here, and if your air conditioner is on its last legs, now is the time to replace it with a new one. Doing so will allow you to take advantage of all the benefits a new system provides at the beginning of summer, instead of having to suffer through the hottest part of the year with a system that really isn’t up to snuff. It also means not having to deal with an unexpected breakdown in the middle of the summer, when temperatures are hottest and you can ill afford to go without proper air conditioning for even a few hours.

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Now is The Time for AC Maintenance

Monday, May 29th, 2017

air-conditioning-maintenanceWith spring officially here, temperatures have been rising steadily, and soon enough, summer will have arrived again. When the mercury climbs, your air conditioner will need to be functioning at full capacity every day. The worst thing you can experience is a sudden breakdown in your air conditioner’s performance just as the hottest day of the year arrives. Our trained team is ready to go in the event you suddenly need air conditioning repairs with your system, but we believe that an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure. That means an air conditioning maintenance session, performed by a trained technician at least once a year.

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Could Ductless Air Conditioning Be Right for You?

Monday, May 15th, 2017

ductless-air-conditioningSpringtime is the time to evaluate the state of your air conditioner and decide if it’s time for a replacement. Doing so allows you to take advantage of the benefits before summer arrives, as well as preventing the breakdown of an old, worn air conditioner in the middle of a July heat wave. If you’re looking at a new system, you’re likely focused on a centralized air conditioner, which cools the air in a single location, then blows it into your home with a fan. But it’s not the only type of air conditioner out there, and if centralized systems don’t work for you for whatever reason, then you might want to consider installing a ductless air conditioner instead. How does it work and what kinds of benefits does it bring to you? Read on for the answers.

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What Causes Reduced AC Cooling Levels?

Monday, May 1st, 2017

air-conditioning-repairLaymen should never attempt to repair their air conditioners themselves, but you don’t need to be an expert to spot the signs of an air conditioner that isn’t doing its job. Among the most common signs of trouble are warm air coming for your vents when you have the air conditioner on, or even air that’s cool, but not nearly as cool as it should be. It sounds like a minor nuisance at best, but if it isn’t addressed, it can end up costing you a pretty penny. What causes it, and what kinds of damage can it inflict on your system? Read on for the answers.

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3 Ways to Improve Energy Efficiency

Monday, April 17th, 2017


Summer is on its way, and with it will come higher energy bills as we run our air conditioners to stay cool and comfortable. To a certain extent, there’s nothing to be done for it. Running you air conditioner more often in hot weather invariably leads to higher bills. But just because you’re paying more doesn’t mean you should pay more than you should.

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Should Your Air Conditioner Be Replaced?

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

Spring is a good time to make an assessment of your older air conditioner and determine if it needs to be replaced. Years of service usually take their toll on older systems, and months of sitting unused during the winter mean that dust and other contaminants can build up as well. If your air conditioner is ready to be put out to pasture, now is the time to do so. Otherwise, you risk a final, fatal breakdown in the middle of summer just when you need the system the most, forcing you to scramble to get a replacement put into place. Replacing your system now gives you the luxury of time to plan and the flexibility to schedule the replacement when you want, instead of what necessity dictates. Finally, it allows you to enjoy the benefits of a new system immediately, help you save money and worry during the summer when you really need it.

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Get Your HVAC System Ready for a Home Sale

Monday, December 26th, 2016

Home sales usually take place in the spring, and if you’re thinking about putting your home on the market, it’s usually best to do so in May or June. No one wants to come out to look at houses when the weather in Dover, DE is cold and drizzling, and the new life of spring makes the perfect atmosphere to show your home off to potential buyers.

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